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Kindridge Bid Solutions
Three Spires #LoveBiz Community
​Contact: Ali Bagley
Telephone: 07763 610 892
Email: ali@kindridgebidsolutions.com
Website: https://www.kindridge.com
Ali is a bid specialist and partner in Kindridge Bid Solutions. The company supports SME's and larger corporations by supplying experienced, qualified people to advise, support, develop or lead on your organisations proposals for contracts. In essence, we help you to win the work that underpins your business growth, contracts that guarantee revenue and security.
From small training companies offering business start up training to international corporations bidding for multimillion £ opportunities we have supported a variety of clients since our inception in January 2024.
Ali Has over 15 years specialising in bid management and writing. She is also the author of multiple business support books for SMEs, supports others in developing their business books and is a radio show host on Write Up Your Ali for Big Ear Radio.