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Meet your #LoveBiz host - Julie Cameron

Telephone : 07876 113 542
Email : juliecameron@lovebiznetworking.co.uk​​
Julie, as a woman in business from the halls of Buckingham Palace to Birmingham female solopreneurs, has always believed in empowering ladies for their own success. Hospitality for Julie were her roots for many years, where it starts with the simple things like always approaching every person you meet and every situation with a smile to the value that comes from sharing skills and training to enjoying the success that comes together.
First joining LoveBiz as a member after doing networking for her own business at the time, Julie quickly saw in it something she enjoyed and valued being part of, then becoming a host of her own group before taking on multiple community and executive groups within the
LoveBiz network across the country.
A mother herself, Julie can relate to the challenges around balancing the school assemblies, wanting to be there in family life whilst having the fulfilment from business and the investment in networking for the growth that LoveBiz can make an enjoyable reality.
With the LoveBiz ethos of connecting, supporting and empowering all women in business, Julie believes in collaboration, the power of working together rather than against each other – together we can make change happen.