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Micro Business Growth Club
Trent #LoveBiz Community
​Contact: Wendy Garcarz
Telephone: 07973 780 054
Email: wendy@wendygarcarz.com
Website: www.wendygarcarz.com
The Micro Business Growth Club is an online community for business owners who want to survive and thrive and create a successful enterprise on their terms.
From a successful corporate career with blue chip companies I set up my first business 30 years ago and never looked back. I want to use the experience, knowledge and expertise gained to give small businesses a leg up and build the business of their dreams.
The club is an exclusive blend of training, business development and accountability and has a membership level suitable for any small business at affordable prices.
Members can access training videos to learn the most effective systems and processes for cost effective operation, a document vault to ensure they don't have to reinvent the wheel, Masterclasses that give them the inside track on business success and a weekly sales meeting that offers accountability to ensure things get done. VIP membership also includes monthly 1-2-1 coaching with me to implement the improvements that will give them the success they desire.