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Utility Warehouse
Ivanhoe and Derwent #LoveBiz Community
Contact: Su Rowe
Telephone: 07985 924 845
Email: susanrowe@uwclub.net
Website: https://partner.uw.co.uk/partner/susan-rowe-g85216
Speak to me to discover how you can save on your bills and unlock the UK’s cheapest energy. I have been a Partner with UW for over 11 years.
I work in education as support staff, so I don't have the salary that teachers have.
I needed more money to support my growing family, and joined UW to earn that, in the times that I chose to. I now work part-time in school, but earn more than when I was full-time.
I love helping others to get their own UW income up and running.
I live in Swadlincote in Derbyshire. My children have now flown the nest, so the extra income gives my husband and I some extra 'fun' money to treat both ourselves, our children and their partners.
I can strongly recommend having a look at what UW could do for you and would love to show you!