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Alba Financial Accountants
Charnwood #LoveBiz Community
Contact: Nicola Barber
Telephone: 01509 853779
Mobile: 07947 687934
Email: nicola@alba.uk.com
Website: www.alba.uk.com
Alba Financial Accountants are based in East Leake, Leicestershire and work with businesses across the East Midlands and UK helping them with their accounts, bookkeeping, payroll and taxation. Whether you are a business start up or an established business we can support you every step of the way making sure you understand your finances, meet all your financial commitments and grow your business.
Some of the services we offer are:
Accounts Preparation – Alba has a wealth of expertise in preparing accounts and advising businesses from small owner managed businesses, to incorporated businesses with turnovers exceeding £20 million.
Bookkeeping – Alba Bookkeeping Services will relieve you and your business of a significant burden yet a fundamental necessity.
Payroll/PAYE/CIS - Alba Payroll Services have been designed to relieve you of the pressure of meeting your payroll obligations and deadlines with the minimum amount of fuss and bother.
Grant Sourcing – Alba have put together this initiative in response to more and more requests we have been getting from businesses like yours for a proper and realistic approach to identifying and obtaining grant aid.
Business Turnaround – Business turnaround specialists at Alba work with companies offering much needed support and advice during difficult times for you and your business.